
M&A Origination

Ensuring the stability of our clients' M&A pipeline

We establish relationships in a highly professional and thoughtful way so that we can seamlessly introduce them to our clients, which ultimately saves time within the deal origination process.

We take a professional approach to everything we do and always ensure we uphold the high reputations of our clients.

Our experience in M&A at top-tier advisory firms gives us a clear understanding of the importance of meeting deadlines and exceeding clients' expectations.

Large Corporates
Private Equity
Venture Capital
Family Offices
Large Corporates

An M&A team or CFO has numerous day-to-day deliverables to focus on in relation to live transactions, leaving little time to focus on business development and origination. Our global team, infrastructure and software solutions provide a tried and tested solution for managing and building out our clients' M&A pipelines. This frees up your time to focus on execution, relying on GVP's regional teams to approach, analyse and introduce the shareholders of your target assets.

Private Equity

Private equity executives have numerous day-to-day deliverables to manage in relation to live transactions and portfolio investments, leaving little time to focus on business development and origination. Our global team, infrastructure and software solutions provide a tried and tested solution for managing and building out our clients' pipelines of investment or buy-out opportunities.

This frees up your time to focus on execution, relying on GVP's regional teams to approach, analyse and introduce the shareholders of your target assets.

Venture Capital

Venture capital executives have numerous day-to-day deliverables to focus on in relation to live transactions and portfolio investments, leaving little time to focus on business development and origination. Our global team, infrastructure and software solutions provide a tried and tested solution for managing and building out our clients' pipelines of investment and/or buy-out opportunities.

Freeing up your time to focus on execution, GVP's regional teams will approach, analyse and introduce the shareholders of your target assets.

Family Offices

Family office teams have numerous day-to-day deliverables to focus on in relation to live transactions and portfolio investments, leaving limited time to focus on business development and origination. Our global team, infrastructure and software solutions provide a tried and tested solution for managing and building out our client's pipeline of investment or buy-out opportunities.

This frees up your time to focus on execution, and instead rely on GVP's regional teams to approach, analyse and introduce the shareholders of target assets.

Key Drivers for Project Success

Our experienced team has a process-driven approach to M&A origination to ensure the best results possible.

  • Clients provide their current data sets for each geographical location
  • The GVP team clears, organises and refreshes the data, analysing thousands of records
  • Data is then uploaded to our bespoke pipeline management system, Athena
  • Once the project is live, our analysts run research checks against the current database, enhancing data quality and adding new targets as we move through the pipeline.
A local touch
  • Our in-house regional origination managers head up all direct engagement with local shareholders
  • Local teams are on hand to ensure we communicate professionally and effectively in all languages across respective cultures
Bespoke documentation
  • We create bespoke documents for our clients
  • This helps qualify our clients with business owners from our first engagement while nurturing the relationship of trust and demonstrating our honest intentions right from the outset
  • Alongside this, we ensure that the market and local advisers are all well aware of our clients and their M&A criteria and enthusiasm for relevant opportunities

Thanks to our effective origination process and thorough methodology, we remain engaged year-round with target assets.


We have created a shortlist of Tier 1 and Tier 2 targets that clients have approved us to approach.

Contact Attempt

We have attempted to make contact with the shareholders, but they have not responded. If a contact is unresponsive, we continue to try alternative methods to engage them. This includes email, phone, post, social media, and reaching out to registered accountants and advisers of the company.

Contact Engaged

We have engaged with the target (e.g. target returned our call, emailed us back etc.); however, we have not had a conversation with them yet.

Client Reviews

The target has been pre-screened. After GVP's meeting with the shareholders, a profile of the company is shared with the client. If the business is still an attractive asset, we move on to the next stage.

Meeting Requested

The client informs us that they would like to arrange a meeting with the target.

Meeting Scheduled

The meeting has been scheduled and confirmed by both our client and the target. Contact details are shared with both parties ahead of the meeting.


The first meeting is complete and the client decides whether to pursue the opportunity further. There are often more meetings before a letter of intent is submitted to the target.

Offer Made

An offer is made for the off-market target company.

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